Monthly Horoscope

🌟 Monthly Overview: Happy Lunar New Year!🌟

We are now entering the Year of the Snake in the Tiger month! While the Tiger and Snake are not traditionally considered compatible, this year brings an energy of support and helpful people, almost like a cosmic “get out of jail free” card.

The Tiger month starts with an increasingly positive, playful, and whimsical vibe as we transition from January into February. With the Lunar New Year kicking off, it’s almost like having an extra festive season—another excuse to party and play! Why not embrace it?

The Full Moon on the 12th of Tiger month amplifies this energy, making you feel more generous, eager to spend time with others, and perhaps even a little more childlike and carefree. The fresh energy of the season, combined with spring just around the corner, brings a boost of “can-do” enthusiasm. This is the perfect time to activate your ambitions and start laying the groundwork for the spring ahead.

As the Tiger month progresses, the energy shifts into a deeper, more reflective space. This is a time to dive into your creativity, honor your intuitive feelings, and nurture yourself with compassion and self-care rituals. Think of it as a moment to wind down, celebrate your accomplishments, and prepare to turn the page into the next chapter of your journey.

Here’s to a month of joy, playfulness, and meaningful preparation for what lies ahead! 🐅

🌸 Blessings and HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! –  Marina Lighthouse



Happy Lunar New Year! The stars align for you this February, promising love, joy, and emotional fulfillment. Valentine’s Day is your time to shine! Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or happily independent, embrace the love all around you. If you’re single, keep an eye on Snake, Dog, or Tiger signs—romance may bloom. For those attached, deepen your connection with a grand gesture or meaningful conversation. Family and friends will also radiate warmth and gratitude your way. This is your moment to immerse yourself in the beauty of connection and joy.


Gung Hei Fat Choy! You’re stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for, and the universe wants you to remember that. February brings opportunities, invitations, and even promotions, so don’t let doubts hold you back. Stop focusing on obstacles that haven’t even arisen. Luck is on your side, and this wave of new energy will open doors. Say “yes” to what comes your way and believe that your dreams are within reach.


Happy New Year! Something important has been overlooked, but it’s not too late to act. Peach blossom luck is shining on you this month, highlighting untapped opportunities in your existing relationships or resources. There’s someone in your corner—a friend, admirer, or colleague—who can help you take things to the next level. Collaboration will lead to success, so let go of solo pride and join forces. Together, you’ll create something truly special.


Happy Lunar New Year! Someone’s jealousy may have been clouding your realm, causing fatigue or frustration. February calls for clearing the slate. Identify this negative energy source—likely someone from your past—and create space for them to recalibrate. You don’t deserve this kind of energy in your life. Step away and focus on your own joy. Once you’ve done this, a fresh perspective and positive energy will emerge.


Gung Hei Fat Choy! A rivalry or power struggle might come to a head this month, but don’t shy away from it. You’re ready to address any imbalance and restore harmony. A sudden opportunity for resolution will appear, allowing you to clear the air and move forward with renewed strength. Keep your focus sharp, and you’ll come out on top, regaining your confidence and balance.


Happy New Year! You’re caught in a web of complexity that predates your involvement, which is why progress feels slow. The Moon reveals that hidden facts and history need uncovering, so ask questions and dig deeper. Once you have all the information, the path ahead will become clear. This month brings revelations that will illuminate your next steps, so stay curious and keep an open mind.


Happy Lunar New Year! Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back this this Snake year. Push past your inner judgment and take action on something that excites you. Say your fears out loud, banish them, and move forward. Even if things don’t go perfectly, the experience will set you on a new, positive course. This moment will plant seeds that grow into future success. Travel and exploration are well-favored, so take that leap.


Gung Hei Fat Choy! Unseen forces are at work this month, encouraging you to let go of outdated beliefs or mindsets that no longer serve you. A disagreement with someone close to you may spark this change, prompting self-reflection and a wake-up call. Embrace this epiphany and step into your power. Stop making yourself small for others—you are fabulous and deserve to feel loved and valued.


Happy New Year! February is all about upgrades and transformations. Whether it’s your appearance, home, finances, or career, you’ve been planning this for a while, and now is the time to execute. You’ll approach this change with a strategic and rational mindset, and the results will be inspiring and exciting. This makeover feels like a fresh start—a clean slate to write a new, thrilling story for yourself.


Gung Hei Fat Choy! You’re at a pivotal moment in your career this February. The energy around you is ambitious and full of potential, urging you to make a decision about your next steps. Whether it’s self-employment, freelancing, or expanding your current role, this is the time to activate your plan. The stars are aligned to support your growth, so take bold, creative steps toward your goals..


Happy Lunar New Year! There’s a thorny situation you’ve been avoiding, but the only way out is through. Confront it directly with clear communication and courage. You may feel anxious about addressing it, but it will go smoother than you think. By resolving this issue, you’ll bring peace and relief to yourself and those involved. Trust in your strength and patience to mediate a positive outcome.


Happy New Year! Now is the time to take a bold leap into the unknown. Fortune favors the bold, and you’re ready to embrace life as an adventure. Step out of your routine and take responsibility for making your dreams come true. The universe has your back, and when you take action, good fortune will follow. This quest may take up to a year to fully unfold, but it starts now. Take that first step toward a brighter future.


Om ma ni pad me hum!

Harmony in Your Environment, Lighthouse Feng Shui, –   Marina Lighthouse